Accelerating Real Estate and Infrastructure Development

15 - 17 June 2026 / Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre Singapore

15 - 17 June 2026
Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre Singapore

Founding Partners

Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)

The EEC development lies at the heart of Thailand 4.0 scheme. The project is an area-based development initiative, aiming to revitalize the well-known Eastern Seaboard of Thailand, where numerous business developers have experienced a rewarding investment journey and exceptional achievements.

The project initially focused on the 3 Eastern provinces, namely Rayong, Chonburi, and Chachoengsao. The EEC development plan envisages a significant transformation of both physical and social development, playing an important role as a regulatory sandbox to uplift the country’s competitiveness. It has the objectives of developing modern and environmentally-friendly economic activities, providing comprehensive government services, creating efficient infrastructure and public utilities, determining the appropriate use of land as well as developing livable cities to be modern and suitable for living and doing business.

The EEC’s 5 Clusters Business Opportunities: Status/Eco System/New Trend, covering business opportunities in five targeted industries: Medical & Healthcare, Digital, Next-Generation Automotive, BCG (Bio-Circular-Green Economy), and Services.

Click here to watch a video introduction and here to find out more on the project's action plans.

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The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Overview (2)

The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Overview

The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) City View_3:4

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